Jacob Bayne describes himself as an emerging artist, working primarily in watercolours, inks and pen. His work is fueled by a fascination for the human form and the subconscious information we pick up through body language. Jacob has spent the past few years studying the human form in order to create honest yet abstract depictions of what is commonly recognizable. With a mix of ink, fine liner pen and watercolors, images emerge and seep through layers on the paper leaving behind shadows and traces of emotionally charged forms. 'I explore the emotion of human movement, shadows and shape. Inviting the viewer to feel what is beneath the surface'.

Past Exhibitions

  • Finalist. The Paul Guest Prize is an award and exhibition held biennially that highlights contemporary drawing practice in Australia. The Prize was initiated by former Family Court Judge and Olympic rower, The Honourable Paul Guest OAM QC and encourages artists from across Australia to engage with the important medium of drawing in contemporary art practice.

  • Solo Exhibition